Sunday, September 25, 2016

Week 2 Reflections

I have chosen to use a Blogger page to serve as my journal for this course.  I like the interface and have always found it useful for academic work.  I was inspired to sign up for an Evernote account, though I need to figure out several things about it before I use it publicly.

This week has been full of interesting ideas. I have enjoyed reading Bruner and the article that Kathy Thielan linked to about how our assumptions shape the execution and expectations that we have of our students.  Most important in this work, I think, is the need to examine and challenge one's own assumptions for the "folk pedagogy" that may be impacting our teaching.  Secondly, we must challenge the assumptions that our children make about their own learning, because as some of my classmates have observed, their own hidden assumptions can do more damage or help their education than a dozen teachers.

I have found that most people favor a student-centered approach, though their are a lot of defenders of the didactic school in its place, as there is no way for some things to just jump fully-formed into students' minds.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing in your blog Michael. I look forward to reading more of your thoughts from the course...
